Sunday August 28 2005

First of all, I would like to thank Paul from for helping me get Coranto up and running with the site and getting me to work with notepad instead of a GUI based html editor lol. Also on the list to thank is Mr Friendly Spider himself, the man who along with Paul helped me get the site up and running. Spider was also the one who did the “WolfManzbytes” banner for the main page.

This site came to fruition when I did a review on Battlefield 2 and then did a Podcast on it. After doing this, I pondered the idea for a couple of years and decided it was time to get a web site up that would combine text along with audio/video reviews.

The site as I write this consists of 5 main areas of interest for me and they are Game Reviews, Linux, Windows, PC and Multimedia. With the Game Reviews I DO NOT plan on reviewing every single game that comes out. I’m very fussy about what games I buy and a lot of the time won’t even touch a game until I have done some research on it.

One thing I should mention about the Game Reviews is they will be done when they are done. I’m in no rush to get out there as soon as a game comes out and be the first to review it. I see too many sites as it is doing this and I think they miss either on purpose or by accident a lot of problems that exist in a lot of games.

As for the Linux and Windows sections, there I will be talking about the Operating Systems in general and any interesting things I come across. I do want to cover some security issues in terms of new users when using windows as well. As for Linux it has good security right out of the box depending on what distro you get and I want to cover that as well and try and help new users with that Operating System.

The PC section will be for things that either fit into both the Linux and Windows sections or something’s that are related to hardware only.

The Multimedia section will contain both my audio/video netcasts I may do.

The Audio Gear section will contain reviews of any audio related Hardware / Software, such as multi-track recording interfaces and audio recording software.

So you maybe thinking “What’s this guy’s background?” and, “What makes him an expert?” The answer to that is “I’m not special, I consider myself to be an above-average computer user.” I don’t want to say I’m a computer expert, because I’m not. However, I do have nearly 20 years of computer experience that goes from the Commodore 64 right up to modern-day computers. I have no formal training in computers. All I have learned has been through trial and error. For the last 10 years or so, I have been on the Internet and due to the way I run my machine, I have never been infected with a Trojan or a virus. Also Spyware has never been a problem for me. In this day and age where a lot of people seem to be getting infected all the time, my machines stay like they have for the last 10 years and I go unaffected.

Again this is not to say that I will never be infected because I’m not foolish enough to believe that. But as you will see on this site, a lot of the time if you use common sense and keep an eye on your machine you can get it pretty secure. Always try to keep in mind there is no such thing as 100% security while on the Internet, it’s all a calculated risk.

My goal for this website is simple, and that is to take what I know and break it down to where people who haven’t been into computers for 20 years can learn how best to tackle some of the issues such as computer security. If at the end of the day I manage to only help one person then the site in my eyes will be a success and hopefully that one person will go out and help others with what he/she has learned from this site.

If you have comments about this web site or any of the content on it please drop me a line by hitting the feedback button.
